Saksa majanduse auhind 2020

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Saksa-Balti Kaubanduskoda (AHK) andis tänavu juba 19. korda välja Saksa majandusauhinda, tunnustades ettevõtteid silmapaistvate saavutuste eest, mis aitavad kaasa Saksa-Balti majandussuhete edendamisele. Sellised terminid nagu küberruum ja selle turvalisus on muutunud aja jooksul aina tähtsamaks ning neil on digiteerimise ajastul oluline roll – seetõttu pälvis tänavu auhinna küberturvalisusega tegelev ettevõte.

„Balti riigid on pioneerid digitaliseerimise valdkonnas nii Euroopas kui ka kogu maailmas, eriti e-riigi temaatika poolest. IMD maailma konkurentsivõime keskuse viimases digitaalse konkurentsivõime edetabelis saavutasid kolm Balti riiki küberjulgeoleku valdkonnas suurepäraseid tulemusi ning asuvad edetabelis kohtadel 14 (Läti), 16 (Eesti) ja 24 (Leedu), edastades Saksamaad (25) ja USA-d (33),“ rääkis AHK tegevdirektor Florian Schröder.

Sel põhjusel soovib Saksa-Balti Kaubanduskoda (AHK) avaldada austust ja toetust Balti riikide kõige lootustandvamatele küberturvalisuse esindajatele 2020. aastal. Tänavune Saksa majandusauhinna 2020 võitja Nord Security pälvis tiitli "Aasta küberturvalisuse lahendus 2020".

Teise koha sai ettevõte Entangle Lätist

ja 3. koha sai Zabbix Lätist

Kroonipandeemia on sulgenud inimkonna kodukontorisse ja sunnib meid kasutusele võtma uusi virtuaalseid suhtlusvõimalusi. Uuenduslikke digitaalse kommunikatsiooni lahendusi on rakendatud kõikides ühiskonna valdkondades: koolides, ettevõtetes, valitsuses, tervishoiusektoris. Küberturvalisuse spetsiifikas navigeerimine võib olla hirmutav ja keeruline: alates sissetungimise avastamisest ja ennetamisest, pilveturvalisusest, haavatavuse haldamisest, pettuste ennetamisest jne. Saksa majandusauhinna 2020. aasta eesmärk oli välja selgitada parimad Balti riikides loodud digitaalsed küberturvalisuse lahendused ning aidata võitnud idufirmadel saada kontakti Saksa ettevõtete ja ekspertidega.
Florian Schröder
Florian Schröder Peadirektor, Saksa-Balti Kaubanduskoda

(Award's description before the award ceremony)

This year marks the 19th time that the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce (AHK) awards the German Business Award, honoring companies for their outstanding achievements that help foster the German-Baltic economic relationship. Every year the event takes place choosing a different theme. Due to the high importance of terms such as cyberspace and its security, as they play a significant role in the age of digitalization, in this year the award goes to an institution operating in the cyber security sector.

The Baltic States are among the pioneers in Europe and worldwide in the field of digitization, especially in e-government. In the latest Digital Competitiveness Ranking of the IMD World Competitiveness Center, the three Baltic States have achieved excellent results in the field of cyber security, ranking 14th (Latvia), 16th (Estonia) and 24th (Lithuania) and are ahead of Germany (25) and the USA (33).

For this reason, the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce (AHK) wants to honor and support the most promising cyber security representatives in the Baltic States in 2020. This year’s winners of the German-Baltic Business Award 2020 (3 awarded institutions in total) will be awarded with the title “Cyber Security Solution of 2020”.

Cyber security and defense against ever-increasing threats undertake greater significance in today´s new global digital era. Navigating through cyber security specialties, from intrusion detection and prevention, cloud security, vulnerability management, fraud prevention and more – can be intimidating and complex. The Corona Pandemic has pushed humanity into the home office, forcing us to adopt new digital communication solutions. But how can we safely deal with these possibilities? How can companies and organizations determine the best cyber security solutions for their needs? How can the best security solution stand out in the cyber security crowd?

The aim of the German-Baltic Business Award is to identify the best digital solutions created in the Baltics - for the society, economy, administration and education, to evaluate and reward the most outstanding projects and to understand the importance of digitization for the growth of the society and economy in the Baltic States, to become a stronger partner in a unified Baltic-German economic relationship.

General conditions


To access the website of the respective company, please click on the company's name.


Corporate Solutions

Corporate Solutions product “CloudStudy” is a cloud-based service, that allows delivering end-user e-learning in a corporate environment. The product focuses on CyberAwarness training and phishing simulation. The CyberAwareness training is an animated cartoon series called “CyberFail”, that depict everyday mistakes of employees regarding cyber security issues. Each episode of the cartoon is followed by an animated video tutorial with interactions. In addition to that, the user will have to pass tests.


CybExer Technologies

CybExer Technologies is a NATO-awarded company. They provide IT platforms for cyber capability development upon which a variety of trainings and exercises are delivered. Their main focus is on cyber range technologies where they take an open range approach. This allows to provide any kinds of virtual training environments, including standard office networks and highly specialised industrial systems. This capability is built upon CybExer’s proprietary software vLab Manager that ensures second-to-none exercise creation, deployment, and management.



Entangle is a technology start-up that develops a secure mobile communication system by implementing a one-time pad – the only truly secure encryption technique that is mathematically proven unbreakable. It is a globally scalable secure communication system suitable for business, government, military, and individual use. Share confidential and strategic information securely anywhere in the world using Entangle device and existing mobile networks.



Guardtime is a company, specialised in cyber security and complex data management solutions. MIDA is Guardtimes flagship solution, that manages organizations oversight, control and trust over complex digital processes, data management and IT-infrastructure. MIDA uses digital twin technology to track, in real-time, the actual state of any process or data in the cloud.


Nord Security

Nord Security is a company for security solutions and is using cutting-edge technologies. Nord Security's flagman product NordVPN is designed to prevent and solve data security issues both online and offline. Since 2012, NordVPN has been creating and building a service that offers military-grade encryption with privacy solutions to ensure secure access to online resources for everyone.


NRD Cyber Security

NRD Cyber Security is fully focusing on the cyber security sector. The main idea is to enable cyber security teams in organizations and countries to work effectively and professionally. The flagman product of NRD Cyber Security is CTI Core. It is a technology solution automating CSIRT operations, like contact lists, ticketing, cyber security threat intelligence feeds, automated identification and visualization of the threats to the constituency.



Simplex is an end-to-end payment solution for the digital asset ecosystem. They established a riskless global fiat onramp using a credit and debit card, which guarantees a zero chargeback. Simplex Banking offers the Simplex fraudless payment processing, with global payment accessibility. The company also provides a fiat infrastructure for the cryptocurrency ecosystem.



Tilde supports language technologies in the digital age and enables effective and instant multilingual communication. By using cutting- edge AI-driven technologies, Tilde develops transparent, secure neural machine translation systems, intelligent virtual assistants and speech technologies. Moreover, Tilde MT uses dynamic learning, which means that the AI engine automatically learns from the users' translations.



Zabbix was established in 2005 as they introduced their monitoring product to the market. The main product of the company is its monitoring software called Zabbix. It is open-source software, released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. The Zabbix software is designed for real-time monitoring of metrics collected from servers, virtual machines and network devices. It detects vulnerabilities of IT infrastructure and keeps it safe.

Evaluation criteria

The following criteria will be evaluated:

  • Innovation
  • User benefits
  • Effectiveness
  • Security level
  • Usability in a variety of formats
  • Profitability of the business model
  • Growth potential of the institution
  • Reliability and positive effects for the society
  • Connection to Germany (as a soft criteria)
  • Existing
  • Prospective
  • Other connection


The reward for the winners (three awarded companies in total) of the Business Award includes a certificate and a paid participation in IT Security Expo in Germany. Furthermore, there will be a main winner of the entire Baltic region. This receives in addition a representative glass trophy and support for the market entry in Germany.

Another advantage is the great media attention, that the winners of the German-Baltic Business Award receive every year. In addition, the winners will be published in the Baltic Business Quarterly (The only business and investment orientated magazine with a special focus on the Baltic region as a whole).


The German Federal Minister of Economics and Energy, Peter Altmaier, will be the patron of the German-Baltic Business Award 2020.


The submitted applications are evaluated by a competent jury, consisting of 6 high-ranking industry representatives from Germany.

  • Florian Schröder, CEO, German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce (AHK)
  • Hans-Wilhelm Dünn, President of the Cyber Security Council Germany
  • Ralf Benzmüller, Executive Speaker G DATA SecurityLabs
  • Georg Kaltenbrunner, Chief Risk Officer and Member of the Management Board, Luminor
  • Nicolas Konnerth, Head of Voice & Conversation, ERGO Digital Ventures AG
  • Andreas Ebert, Head of Know-how and Prototype Protection, Volkswagen AG

The jury will select up to nine finalists to perform during the digital event with a 4-minute pitch. The audience will evaluate the finalists through an online vote, which has a weighting of one jury vote. During the pitches, the jury will again give their rating for the finalists, which will be added to the audience votes.


20 October – 06 November 2020 Application phase
09 November – 15 November 2020 Voting by the jury: The jury members receive the application documents and evaluate them using a points system.
16 November – 29 November 2020 Online voting (additional jury vote)
26 November 2020 Online pitch event: Based on the jury's assessments and the online voting, up to nine finalists will be selected. The finalists will face the jury's judgment in an online pitch event. Each of the finalists will present themselves and their solution in a 4-minute pitch. Afterwards the three winners and the overall winner will be determined by the jury members' ratings.
02 December 2020 The winners of the German Business Prize 2020 will be announced.

